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head生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 [hed] 美 [hɛd] n. 上端;头脑;头部;首脑,首长 vt. 用头顶;前进;作为…的首领;站在…的前码姿头 vi. 朝…行进;出发;向…方向移动;船驶往 adj. 头的;在前头的;首要的;在顶端的 网 络 头; 头部; 头上; 脑袋 复数:heads 过去式:headed 过去分词:headed 现在分词:heading 第三人称单数:heads 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 Head is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression ‘off the top of your head’ is explained at‘top’.head 可以用于很多短语中,这些短语的释义列在本词典中其他词条下。例如,短歼伏语 off the top of your head 的释义就列在词条 top 之下。1. N-COUNT 可数名词(人的)头,头部 Your head is the top part of your body, which has your eyes, mouth, and brain in it. 【搭配模式】:a NShe turned her head away from him... 她把头别过去,不再看他。He took a puff on his pipe and shook his head. 他抽了口烟斗,摇了摇头。You can also use head as a measure of distance, equal to the length of a person's or animal's head.头(长度单位,相当于人或动物头的长度) The third gorilla was taller by a head. 第三只大猩猩要高出一头。2. N-COUNT 可数名词头脑;心智;才智迟改绝 You can use head to refer to your mind and your mental abilities. I can't get that song out of my head. 那首歌在我脑海中挥之不去。...an exceptional analyst who could do complex maths in his head. 会心算复杂数学题的杰出分析家

上一篇 EDG什么意思
下一篇 则可以组什么词语
