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girl with one eye 的歌词意思

girl with one eye 的歌词意思

前面的同学都翻译的很棒,在几个地方大家的租猛理解有些不一样,结合这首歌的意思(大概就是一个女的把她的情敌弄瞎一轮大只眼的故事= =好吧,恶俗了。。。)仅供参考,第一次翻歌词啊,有些地方还是意译比较合理。girl with one eye独眼女孩She told me not to step on the cracks她告诉我不要步入深渊I told her not to fuss and relax我告诉她不要大惊小怪,放轻松Well, her pretty little face好吧,她精致的小脸蛋stopped me in my tracks让我停止了我的步伐But now she sleeps with one eye open但是她现在必须得睁着一只眼睛睡觉了That's the price she paid那是她应该付出的代价I took a knife and cut out her eye我用小刀挖出了她的一只眼I took it home and watched it wither and die把它带回家,看着它萎缩死亡Well, she's lucky that其实,她很幸运I didn't slip her a smile我没有划破她的唇That's why she sleeps with one eye open那正是她现在必须要睁着一只眼睡觉的原因That's the price she paid那就是她应该付出的代价I said, hey, girl with one eye我说弊桐桥,嘿,独眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie把你的脏手从我的男人那拿开I said, hey, girl with one eye我说,嘿,独眼女孩I'll cut your little heart out我将把你的小心脏挖出来cause you made me cry因为你惹我流泪I slipped my hand under her skirt我把手轻轻划到她裙底I said don't worry, it's not gonna hurt我说别担心,我不会伤害你Oh, my reputation's kinda clouded with dirt噢,我的名声是有点坏That's why you sleep with one eye open那正是你睁着一只眼睡觉的原因That's the price you paid那是你该付出的代价I said, hey, girl with one eye我说,嘿,独眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie把你的脏手从我的男人那拿开I said, hey, girl with one eye我说,嘿,独眼女孩I'll cut your little heart out我会把你的小心脏挖出来cause you made me cry因为你惹我流泪You made me cry你惹我流泪You made me cry你惹我流泪You made me cry你惹我流泪I said, hey, girl with one eye我说,嘿,独眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie把你的脏手从我的男人那拿开I said, hey, girl with one eye我说,嘿,独眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out my pie把你的脏手从我的男人那拿开

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